Signs Your Marine Lithium Battery Should Be Replaced

One of the hallmarks of marine lithium batteries is their outstanding longevity compared to standard lead-acid batteries. But even lithium batteries can’t work forever, and sooner or later, they start to display signs of decline.
If your marine lithium battery exhibits any of these signs, it should be replaced.
Sign #1: It Looks (and Smells) Bad
There are often physical signs when a lithium marine battery is severely declining or something is wrong with it. Sometimes, boat owners can tell their battery needs to be replaced simply by looking at it.
Pro Tip: Corrosion is fatal for marine batteries, which is why removing the battery to clean it with a baking soda and water solution frequently can prolong your battery’s lifespan.
Lithium batteries that are no longer usable can contain corroded terminals, be warm or hot to the touch, and even swell in size when used. Some owners even notice a rotten smell coming from their boat and, upon inspection, realize it’s coming from the battery. If your marine lithium battery exhibits any or all of these signs, it should definitely be replaced.
Sign #2: Reduced Power Storage Capacity
There are also signs and deficiencies in the marine battery’s performance that signal decline. Anyone who owns a lithium marine battery 12V knows this battery is famous for its power storage capability compared to a regular lead-acid battery.
But a lithium battery can’t keep up its remarkable performance forever, and when it starts to decline, the power storage capacity is typically the first sign of performance decline. If it feels like you don’t get the same kind of longevity and power storage in your battery as you used to, it may be because your battery is on its last legs.
Sign #3: Higher Self-Discharge Rate
As with its power storage, lithium marine batteries are distinguish for their incredibly low self-discharge rate—giving boat owners more battery power for longer. But, like with the storage capacity, a lithium battery can’t retain its remarkable self-discharge rate forever.
After some years, a lithium battery may exhibit a higher discharge rate, slowly at first but can increase to the point it’s practically unusable. If your lithium battery won’t hold a charge anymore, and the charger seems to be in working order, that’s a sure sign to start looking for a new battery unit.
Now you know some of the biggest warning signs of a lithium battery in decline. If you need to replace your 12v lithium marine battery or have any questions about lithium batteries, don’t hesitate to contact our expert staff at Abyss Battery!
What caught my attention is when you said that you can prolong the lifespan of your marine lithium battery if you will frequently clean it with a baking soda and water solution. My husband will find this tip helpful because he is planning to shop for a new marine battery next Friday. He told me this morning over breakfast that he wants to find a way to keep his boat’s battery in excellent condition to save him money from replacement costs, so your tips are helpful.
Thank you for letting us know that lithium marine batteries can corrode which is quite fatal to them and will make them no longer usable, so it helps to clean the battery with a baking soda and water solution frequently to prolong their lifespan. I invested in a fishing boat recently for my father’s new hobby, so I was thinking of getting it a new battery a few months from now. I’ll make sure to remember this while I look for a local store that sells quality boat batteries.
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